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- Serving Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman Counties in the Columbia River Gorge -

This registration page is for households only. Registration is required for The Dalles and Hood River events.

(registración para Hood River y The Dalles, Hogares solamente)

Please Read / Lea Por Favor

These events are open to households and small businesses of Hood River, Wasco, and Sherman Counties only / Estos eventos están abiertos únicamente a hogares y pequeñas empresas de los condados de Hoor River, Wasco y Sherman

Please stick to your time slot! Event ends promptly at 2 pm / ¡Llegue en su horario! El evento termina puntualmente a las 2 pm

Batteries, E-Waste, Paint, and Medicine can all be taken to other locations, click the links to find out where

For a full list of what we accept, click here

Businesses MUST pre-register on the business registration page


Thank you for following the instructions, this helps us provide a better service to you!

Household Registration Registro de Hogares

Registration for this year's events are now closed.  We look forward to serving you in 2025!

Business Registration Registro de Negocio

Hood River Garbage Map 

The Dalles Disposal Map

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